Monday, December 7, 2009

Normal Muscle My Doctor Told Me Stabbing Pains In My Torso Are Normal Muscle Issues. How Can The Abnormal Be Normal?

My doctor told me stabbing pains in my torso are normal muscle issues. How can the abnormal be normal? - normal muscle

On 26 They are very short, usually happen a second time and then disappear for a few days, weeks or months. Sometimes the "sharp" is deep, but often feels very superficial. The main feature is that if I take a deep breath when you are really hurt. He said nothing serious, just something that the muscles of the experience now and again, but if he wanted a look, what should I do?


bo k said...

The neuralgic pains are as nerve pain.
Dolores nervous disorders such as compression. MS, etc., etc.
If you do not forget the caller and getting worse, ask your physician to check the compression of the nerves to the herniated disc.

If this is not a disk problem, please ask here.

snail said...

This is what most would call Doc. Believe me, a paper (especially the GP) can only confirm the diagnosis of certain groups of symptoms can be brought into connection with it.

The fact is that there could be something. The worst scenario would be that he has muscular dystrophy ... and never will.

My advice is to go for 2 and 3 of the notice (if required). Get references to specialists, rather than reduce the time. Just be prepared for the bill.

The last thing you discover that you are suffering from a serious illness and if it is too late. So, start moving now.

gillianp... said...

A cramp is a sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscle group hollow organ or a sudden contraction in the same way a hole. It is sometimes innocently by a burst of pain, but usually disappears after a few minutes. Check out the muscle spasms. Good luck

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